Student benefits The postgraduate students are entitled to benefits given also to undergraduate students: public transport discount card, medical insurance, access to the university gymnasium etc. In addition students are entitled to: Access to the University’s Library: The library is equipped with modern audio-visual communication equipment. In addition, a specialized library on Rural Development topics (economic, social and environmental) operates within the University Library with priority access to the MSc students. Access to the University’s Informatics Laboratory: This laboratory is equipped with all the necessary PC networks and modern facilities. Access to the PC Lab of the Department of Agricultural Economics and Rural Development: The MSc students can have access to the internet as well as to software packages such as Microsoft Office, SPSS, dictionaries etc.,and can print downloaded files related to their studies. They have access to all the online content that is offered by the University Library. The students of the MSc have their own e-mail address and access to e-class, which operates for the modules of the MSc Programme.
Tuition fees Applicants admitted to the Programme are registered before the beginning of the first semester. Tuition fees are paid in three (3) installments, the day of registration and at the beginning of the first and second semester. The amount of the tuition fees is determined each year by the Coordinating Committee and is approved by the General Assembly of the Department.