Teaching staff:
Efstartoglou Sophia
Professor, Department of Agricultural Economics & Rural Development, Agricultural University of Athens
Papadas Christos
Assistant Professor, Department of Agricultural Economics & Rural Development, Agricultural University of Athens
The course is consisted of three parts and draws scientific knowledge correspondingly from the fields of:
1. Economic Development
2. Agricultural Economic Development and
3. Rural Economic Development
- Economic Development: It focuses on the conceptual approach to economic development and basic economic development theories and models, regional development, convergence theory etc.
- Agricultural Economic Development: It analyses the role of agriculture in economic development, agricultural development theories and linkages with the rest of the economy, dual models (Lewis, Fei-Ranis, Jorgensen), technological change and productivity, induced innovation theory, transfer of technology etc.
- Rural Development (territorial approach): It focuses on the definition and typologies of rural areas (OECD criteria etc) and on socio-economic changes in rural areas. It analyses dynamics of rural areas and economic performance, employment-pluriactivity and local labour markets and covers rural and regional economic growth theories (traditional models, agglomeration models, local milieu models and territorial innovation models). It also reviews territorial and bottom-up approach to rural development and examines the case of the LEADER programme.