Teaching staff:
Efstartoglou Sophia
Professor, Department of Agricultural Economics & Rural Development, Agricultural University of Athens
Christofakis Emmanouil
Lecturer, Panteion University of Athens
The course aims at providing the theoretical and applied knowledge on planning and evaluation and the main tools and methods in the field. It consists of 5 main parts:
- Economic Planning: Basic concepts and principles, types of economic planning, stages of planning and methods
- Regional planning: Methods of regional analysis (Input-Output analysis, shift-share analysis, regional inequalities, concentration and specialization indexes)
- Local Development Planning: Concepts, territorial and bottom-up approach, defining strategies at local level, business plans.
- Evaluation of Development Programmes: Concepts, methods of evaluation, types of evaluation (ex-ante, mid-term, ex-post), evaluation indicators and logic framework (input, output, results and impact indicators), evaluation of consistency, coherence and synergy.
- The European approach to Programming and Evaluation Guidelines and examples of development programmes with emphasis on rural development programmes and regional development programmes.